Wednesday, January 18, 2006

New Years in Dallas

Meghan and I had placed a deposit down on a puppy and intended to travel north to Kansas through Texas and Oklahoma to meet the breeder and litter of puppies. Unfortunately, the litter died of a virus. However, we'd spent our dough on a hotel in Dallas as this seemd like a good halfway mark for the trip up and the trip back. So we spent the weekend in Dallas. Their mass transit system looks like trolley tracks, but it's really just a train system with the "3rd rail" overhead.

We visited the Book Depository Bldg. - the one from which Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy. It was amazing to be standing in the same place where he took those terrible shots. History is amazing! Of course it was also very sad to see all the assasination-related info, memorabilia, antique media equipment - but it was very inspiring too to hear about Kennedy's big influence as President despite his short term in office.

This is the famous "grassy knoll." Do you see any suspects?

This is the exact spot where Kennedy was shot. I am standing on it pointing the camera up at the Book Depository bldg. The second window from the top all the way on the right is the one that Oswald took the shots from. The angle and distance are remarkable to guage in person.

They actually had 3 white Xs marked on the street to demarcate where the shots hit President Kennedy. So I stood on the closest one to the building to get this picture. The museum is on the 6th floor and the floor is arranged in certain places exactly the way it was the day of the incident. They even had boxes of books made to replicate the arrangement Oswald made so tht he had leverage, support and cover while shooting. Absolutely fascinating to see.


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