Sunday, July 16, 2006

Clancy "The Reluctant Patient"

Clancy's surgery last week went very well, or so the vet said. She has finished her medication regimen of anti-inflammatory, pain, and antibiotic medicines. She hated this little cocktail which we gave her every 8 hours for the last week. But she's doing well despite the initial stand she took to us keeping her calm and confined - she ripped out 3 of her staples! We had to take her back to the vet to get them put in. And with the 3 new staples she was given a free gift - see picture below. She was unhappy with her free gift as you can see in the picture. This was taken right after we put it on her. Now, Clancy must somehow biologically related to her mom and dad, because she is stubborn, fiesty, and determined. When she says she doesn't want us putting an Elizabethan Collar on her (AKA-retard cone), she means it! So we replaced the 1st E-Cone and the 3 carpets she chewed up (because we were keeping her in our bathroom so she had more room to maneuver than she does in her crate while wearing that cone. Now we're fighting back: she's got another E-Cone and she stays in her crate -- not the bathroom. She's adjusted nicely so far. This Thursday she gets her staples removed. She's hobbling around and trying to use the leg. We're just thrilled the operation went well and that she'll be able to play like a normal, healthy puppy within a few months!


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