Monday, December 04, 2006


That's what they call it in FL when the temperature drops below 30 degrees Fahrenhowdoyouspellthisword. It should be around the low 20s tonight, which is very exciting. For any of you who know my little obsession, I'm sure you're not surprised that I'd like to light a fire in the fireplace tonight to keep the house warm! If that's what you'd call a FL freeze, what the heck would you call a New York or New Jersey one? Here are some suggestions for the next time you New Yorkers and New Jersians discuss your frigid weather with a floridian:

"Ay youz guys. Lemme telya aboud duh wedduh he-uhhh in (insert state - NY/NJ). Today was a:

...Take the Subway Day"

...Nor'Easter Chill"

...Turnpike Pipeburster"

...Fuckin' Cold-Ass Day"

...Fuggetaboudit, kinda day"


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