Visitors, 4th of July, and Meghan's New Doo

We had a great time with them, catching up on things that have gon on over the last year. Lauren in finishing her internship in Clinical Psychology in Milwaukee, WI, while her boyfriend Ben just got a new job teaching in a high school in VA. After her internship, she'll be moving back to the D.C. area. She's job hunting as we speak...
Our 4th of July was rather uneventful. Some fireworks were launched from Sea World around 9:30 at night We watched from the back bedroom window of our house. The real shocker for the month of July is Meghan's new haircut. This is the 2nd new doo she's had in the last 2 months. The first is viewable in last months posting of our internship graduation day. That was the shortest she had cut her hair since 7th grade---arguablly her better years anyway:) So this is EVEN shorter! I think it looks great curly, although she incessantly insists it makes her look like a child, or a jungle woman. Either way, I think kids AND jungle women are cute as hell!

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