Chicken=Vomit a prego lady named Meghan Corso.
I love my wife. No really, I absolutely do! For both the fantastical AND fanatical things she does. Por ejemplo, esta dia, la mujer hiciste una cena deliciosa. But when the dinner came out, she took one bite and said with a disappointed disgust, "This chicken tastes funny... it's making me sick." She promptly left the table, dumped her chicken in the trash (despite the starving homeless man who lives in our town) and prepared a delectible bowl of cereal. How fancy. This made her much happier. However, when I sat down to eat my chicken next to her, she began to gag and groaned that it smelled and was making her sick. Note that there was no gagging when she smelled it cooking. AnyHOO, she began laughing at the same time, because she realized that her talking about it was making it worse. Then she started describing what it was she saw that was making her gag, "...there were too many was so gross..." --gag-gagggggg, "it's just the smell...and those veins..." GAG---GAG--Gag "'s making me sick..." This went on for almost 2 minutes. I asked her why she continued to focus on the image of the veins if it was making her sick. She continued to gag and laugh -- acknowledging that she was being a head case. She finally got up and walked away with a "you gotta take that trash out as soon as you're done smells gross!" AGAIN, I love my wife. Le amo a mi esposa. Ella es la mejora esposa en todo el mundo. She is so Meghan. It's as simple as that. As I'm writing this, she reads over my shoulder, throws herself to the ground dramatically (in jest) and says, "Ohhhhh God!! Clancy why does daddy forsake me?!!!"
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