Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Our last stop was Galway City - where my great grandmother was born and raised. We stood across from the home at 6 College Rd. It looks very new so we suspected that they demolished the original building and rebuilt. But here it is nonetheless.

Here is the center of town with the 13 flags representing the original families that founded Galway.

Here is a park where they were showing a movie on the green. There were tons of people just sitting around and enjoying the outdoors and movie.

Here is the lawn I am looking for when we move to DC. No need for a ride on mower. We watched them mow the grass with a contraption that resembled a vaccuum. But it only took 10 minutes.

The Cathederal was in Galway. Interestingly it was founding less than half a century ago. So clearly not an ancient establishment. Unlike the bar we drank in that was founded in 1620 (hehe)

This is a distant picture of the lighthouse that was run by my family. They closed the gate so we couldnt get too close and it was a bit foggy.


Blogger mumof3boyz said...

Found you while blog walking. I love the pics of Ireland. Thanks for sharing. Your daughter is beautiful. I have 3 sons myself. Stop by my site sometime.


1:18 PM  

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