Saturday, August 11, 2007


This little girl is like Houdini. We swaddle her so that she does not wake herself at night with all her arm and leg movements. But no matter how tightly we wrap her -- even if we pin her arms down by her sides prior to wrapping her, she squirms and wiggles her arms to 90 degrees across her belly and then pushes her fists up towards her chin and out of the blanket. This child is amazing. So we have a super complex way of swaddling her now which helps her sleep in 4 hour increments. FOUR HOURS AT A TIME!! Woo hoo, are we spoiled now.

She was 6 weeks old as of yesterday and she is doing very well. She is 24 inches long (>95th percentile) and about 12 pounds (>75th percentile). What she is doing constantly these days is smiling. We're surprised because she actually giggles a little bit after nursing. We tried our best to capture these moments but she's a wiley one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kent and Megan
You did a great job, She is so adorable and looks like a little spit fire, Just love her, looks like she will be a hand full
Love Eleanor

9:47 PM  

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