Friday, July 01, 2005

Out of the Loop

We have been really out of the loop for the last week or so. Between buying uniforms, having them altered and personalized for the USAF, we have been so busy. Also, Meghan's computer (as we all know) is in the shop and mine somehow caught a nasty virus. So this is the first time we've been online in over a week! We even went to the public library in order to at least get some things taken care of. The whole thing gave us a deeper appreciation for technology.

More pictures of the house are on the way. It'll be my 4th of July project!

Otherwise, we are just preparing to go to AL, which is next Tuesday. We might even be able to update the blog from there. We'll let you know if we survive the drill sgts. We've started running in the mornings just to try to get in shape. We both completed our required 1.5 miles yesterday morning. We were very excited to find out that we could actually do it - due to our extrememly sessile lifestyle since moving. At 9am it was about 80 degrees - a relatively cooler time of the day to run...


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