Thursday, September 01, 2005

Katrina's Damage

In case anyone is wondering, yes there are Air Force crisis response teams that are being sent to help with the relief efforts in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Houston - at the Astrodome. As residents, though, we will not be sent. It would be an amazing experience to be a part of it, but at this point in our training it's far more important for us to continue with our current rotations. Besides, for every resident that is sent, a liscenced, well seasoned psychologist also must be sent in order to supervise us (since we're not liscensed).

There is a major military medical hospital in Mississippi. Many of their patients have been airlifted into our hospital here in San Antonio. It's kind of impressive the way organizations are supporting one another. The major grocery store franchise here (HEB) is donated .5 million dollars to help with the efforts. Despite these, isn't the devastation just shocking? The lawlessness of some of the survivors is also disturbing - as I'm sure you all agree. While I'm on a roll...

--the media KILLS ME!

It's like the American media has become the 24 hour complaint line. People call complaining that efforts are not fast enough, the military has responded faster in Iraq than here at home, that the police on the scene of the disaster won't speak to the news reporters, blah, blah, blah. Shoot, I wouldn't speak to them either the way they dramatize every situation by pointing out what's going on, then speculating who is to blame. I thought the media was supposed to be a source of information, not the 24 Hour/Day American Grievance and Gossip Hotline. Just thought I'd share a thought or two...


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