Sunday, May 10, 2009
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Stella is choreographing her own dances, apparently. Look out Paula Abdul!!! She has also started making up her own lyrics to songs. For example to the tune of "Fraire Jacques" "Daddy sleeping, daddy sleeping, daddy sleep-ing, daddy sleep-ing daddy sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping daddy sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping daddy sleeping, daddy sleeping" Unfortunately I was unable to capture that one on video. But here's Stella cutting a rug!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Stella Balboa
Stella got in her first fight today at school. -- A bit young for that, I feel. But it happened so here's the rundown:
Meghan walked in Stella's classroom door at the child development center. Stella ran up to hug Meghan. Stella then backed away as Meghan signed her out on the roster. A little boy walked up to them and said to Stella, "Stella's mom, -- go." The boy then pushed Stella. She looked at him and Meghan said to him "no pushing." Meghan turned around to finish signing Stella out and the boy pushed Stella again. Stella looked at him and Meghan, and then pushed the boy back. He started whining like a little wimp!
Home Team: 1
Visiting Wussy Team: 0
Meghan did not reprimand her. Nor did I.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Ordering Clancy Around
Our little girl thinks she's so cool with her sunglasses on. Clancy reluctantly allows her to feel like a champ by deciphering her gibberish and then complying with her commands.
Big Bird Goes to China
We put a new DVD in for Stella today. It is marked "For Ages 2+." Well we can cheat a little. She'll be two in 6 weeks. She was absolutely mesmerized while watching the DVD for its entire 60 minute duration! Here's a little preview. Note that Big Bird (always portrayed as a neurotic, bumbling imbecile with a higher pitched voice than Richard Simmons) is looking for the Great Wall of China. Note Stella absolutely entranced watching with only the wonder that children's eyes can convey :-) I think this video is like a visual formaldehyde. She's frozen in place, staring at the screen!
Robbery Attempt
So initially I was fearful for my life. I jumped back and gasped like Shaggy in the Haunted House episode of Scooby-Doo. It was almost like the thieves who enter a Gas-N-Sip with pantyhose pulled over their faces to conceal their identities. But this was much worse. After my heart stopped pounding and I got my bearings I realized what was going on around me. I became more calm realizing that it was only Stella. She had come into our bedroom after ransacking her drawers to find her favorite bathing suit. She had attempted to put it on and had just a little trouble. See below. Good thing there were no cops around. She might have been arrested for impersonating a Quickie-Mart thief!